
the world's largest open repository of opportunities in impact-driven sectors

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In order for civil society, non-profit, and international organizations to be effective, they need to match talent with opportunity. But, as most people in these spaces will tell you, the current opportunity market doesn't function well. Gatekeepers hide listings behind cost prohibitive paywalls, professionals aren't sure where to search, and low resourced organizations struggle with identification and recruitment. These barriers create information asymmetries that drive inefficiencies and inequities, and ultimately undermine outcomes.

I built Upglobe to help solve this problem. In 2022, it was the largest open repository of opportunities in global affairs, development, humanitarian assistance, conservation, and other similar sectors. It aggregated and centralized grants, contracts, jobs, consultancies, and more into one searchable website. Users could also create profiles that were accessible to recruiters for consultancies and jobs. The site grew to thousands of global users, but I sunsetted it to focus on my startup. I plan on relaunching in the future with improved automation and external support for day-to-day management.
